Lutheran Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Tartu
Pepleri 1, Tartu, kogudusemaja: Õpetaja 5, Tartu
Phone: +372 734 1111, e-mail:
tartumaarja.eelk.eeContact: +372 734 1111
Tu 09.00-13.00
We 09.00-13.00
Th 09.00-13.00 05.07-18.08
Fr 12.00-18.00
Sa 12.00-18.00
Su 12.00-18.00 19.08-31.12
Tu 09.00-13.00
We 09.00-13.00
Th 09.00-13.00
Su 12.00
Built: 1842
Tartu Mary’s civil parish’s is an example of Classicism architecture. It was changed into a gym for a half of century after fire of war. Congregation can use the church building again from the year 2009. The tower of the church building and the rooms under it have been fully restored, and these rooms are also used for Sunday services and other parish activities. The nave of the church is under construction.